10 Best hair removal cream for private parts

on   June 24, 2019

Hair removal cream

Finding the best hair removal cream for private parts can be a daunting task. With so many options available on the market, it’s crucial to choose a product that is not only effective but also safe for sensitive areas. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top-rated hair removal creams, discuss their ingredients, benefits, and potential side effects, and provide tips on how to use them effectively.

Hair removal creams, also known as depilatories, are popular because they offer a painless and convenient way to remove unwanted hair. Unlike shaving, which can cause cuts and razor burn, or waxing, which can be painful and irritating, hair removal creams dissolve the hair just below the skin’s surface, resulting in smooth, hair-free skin.

How Do Hair Removal Creams Work?

Hair removal creams, also known as depilatories, offer a convenient, painless, and effective method for removing unwanted hair. Understanding how these creams work can help you use them more effectively and choose the right product for your needs. Here’s a detailed look at the science behind hair removal creams and their application.

The Chemistry of Hair Removal Creams

Hair removal creams contain active ingredients that break down the structure of hair, making it easy to wipe away. The primary components responsible for this process are:

  1. Thioglycolic Acid and Its Salts: These compounds, such as calcium thioglycolate or potassium thioglycolate, are the key ingredients in most depilatories. They work by breaking the disulfide bonds in keratin, the protein structure of hair.
  2. Alkaline Agents: Ingredients like calcium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide increase the pH level of the cream, making it alkaline. This high pH environment helps to swell the hair shaft, making the keratin more susceptible to breakdown by thioglycolic acid.

The Mechanism of Action

When you apply hair removal cream to your skin, the following processes occur:

  1. Application and Absorption: The cream is spread over the area with unwanted hair. The alkaline agents cause the hair shafts to swell, allowing the active ingredients to penetrate the hair more effectively.
  2. Keratin Breakdown: The thioglycolic acid or its salts break down the disulfide bonds in the keratin protein structure of the hair. This chemical reaction weakens the hair, effectively dissolving it.
  3. Dissolution: As the disulfide bonds break, the hair’s structural integrity is compromised, causing it to disintegrate just below the skin’s surface. This process takes a few minutes, depending on the thickness of the hair and the strength of the cream.
  4. Removal: After the recommended time, the cream, along with the dissolved hair, is wiped away with a cloth or spatula, leaving the skin smooth. Any remaining traces are rinsed off with water.

What to Look for in the Best Hair Removal Cream for Private Parts

Choosing the best hair removal cream for private parts can significantly enhance your grooming routine by offering a safe, effective, and painless solution for removing unwanted hair. However, finding the right product involves considering several factors to ensure it meets your needs while being gentle on your sensitive areas. This guide will outline the essential elements to look for when selecting the best hair removal cream for private parts.

1. Formulation and Ingredients

The formulation of a hair removal cream is crucial, especially for use on private parts where the skin is delicate and sensitive. Look for creams that contain:

  • Soothing Ingredients: Ingredients such as aloe vera, chamomile, and calendula can help soothe the skin and reduce the risk of irritation and redness.
  • Moisturizing Agents: Vitamin E, glycerin, and other hydrating components help keep the skin soft and moisturized, preventing dryness and flakiness.
  • Natural Extracts: Products with natural extracts are generally gentler on the skin and less likely to cause allergic reactions or irritation.

Avoid creams with harsh chemicals or strong fragrances, as these can increase the risk of irritation, especially in sensitive areas.

2. Sensitivity

Since the skin in private areas is more sensitive than other parts of the body, it’s important to choose a product specifically formulated for sensitive skin. These creams are designed to be milder and less likely to cause irritation or adverse reactions. Look for labels that indicate the product is suitable for sensitive skin or specifically for bikini areas.

3. Ease of Use

The best hair removal cream for private parts should be easy to apply and remove. Consider the following features:

  • Application Method: Some creams come with applicators or spatulas, making it easier to spread the product evenly without direct contact.
  • Removal Process: The cream should be easy to wipe off with a cloth or rinse away with water. Products that require minimal effort to remove are more convenient and reduce the risk of irritation from excessive rubbing.

4. Effectiveness

An effective hair removal cream should quickly and thoroughly dissolve hair just below the skin’s surface, leaving the skin smooth and hair-free. Check product reviews and ratings to ensure the cream you choose is effective at removing hair without the need for repeated applications, which can cause irritation.

5. Safety and Side Effects

Safety is a top priority when using best hair removal cream for private parts. Be aware of potential side effects and choose products with minimal risk. Conduct a patch test before full application to check for any adverse reactions. Follow these safety tips:

  • Patch Test: Apply a small amount of the cream to a discreet area and wait 24 hours to check for any signs of irritation or allergic reaction.
  • Follow Instructions: Always follow the product’s instructions regarding application time and removal process to avoid chemical burns or irritation.
  • Avoid Broken Skin: Do not use hair removal creams on broken, irritated, or sunburned skin, as this can increase the risk of adverse reactions.

6. Brand Reputation

Opt for well-known and trusted brands that have a good track record of producing safe and effective hair removal products. Established brands are more likely to have undergone rigorous testing and adhere to higher safety standards.

7. Customer Reviews

Reading customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the product’s performance and potential issues. Look for reviews from users with similar skin types and concerns to gauge whether the product is likely to work well for you.

8. Price and Value

While price shouldn’t be the only factor in your decision, it’s important to consider the value you’re getting for your money. Higher-priced products often contain better-quality ingredients and provide more reliable results. However, there are also affordable options that perform well, so balance cost with the product’s features and benefits.

9. Packaging

Consider the packaging of the hair removal cream. Tubes with precision tips or pumps can make application easier and more hygienic. Packaging that prevents excessive exposure to air can also help maintain the product’s effectiveness over time.

10. Aftercare Products

Some hair removal creams come with aftercare products like soothing lotions or balms designed to calm the skin after hair removal. These can be beneficial in reducing post-treatment redness and irritation, ensuring your skin remains soft and smooth.

Selecting the best hair removal cream for private parts involves considering several critical factors, from the formulation and ingredients to ease of use and brand reputation. By prioritizing these elements, you can find a product that effectively removes hair while being gentle and safe for your sensitive areas. Remember to perform a patch test before full application and follow the product instructions carefully to achieve the best results with minimal risk of irritation or side effects. With the right hair removal cream, you can enjoy smooth, hair-free skin in your private areas with confidence and comfort.

hair removal cream for private parts

Product Reviews for Best Hair Removal Creams for Private Parts

1. Veet Gel Hair Remover Cream, Sensitive Formula

Rating: 4.5/5

Review: Veet Gel Hair Remover Cream for Sensitive Skin is a lifesaver for anyone looking to remove hair from private parts without irritation. The aloe vera and vitamin E in the formula make it incredibly soothing and hydrating. I followed the instructions and left the cream on for the recommended time, and it removed all the hair effortlessly. There was no redness or irritation afterward, which was a huge relief. The only downside is the strong chemical smell, but it’s a small price to pay for such effective results.


  • Gentle on sensitive skin
  • Contains aloe vera and vitamin E
  • Effective hair removal


  • Strong chemical smell

2. Nair Hair Remover Sensitive Formula Bikini Cream

Rating: 4.2/5

Review: Nair Hair Remover Sensitive Formula Bikini Cream is a fantastic product for delicate areas. It worked very well on my bikini line, removing hair quickly without causing any discomfort. The cream has a pleasant scent compared to other depilatories, which is a nice bonus. However, I did experience a slight tingling sensation during application, but it didn’t result in any irritation or redness. Overall, it’s a reliable and effective option for sensitive skin.


  • Effective for bikini area
  • Pleasant scent
  • Quick results


  • Slight tingling sensation

3. Blitzby Depilatory Cream for Men and Women

Rating: 4.8/5

Review: Blitzby Depilatory Cream is an excellent choice for both men and women. I was impressed by how quickly and efficiently it removed hair from my private parts. The natural extracts in the formula left my skin feeling nourished and soft. There was no irritation or burning sensation, which is often a concern with hair removal creams. It’s also very easy to apply and remove. This is definitely one of the best hair removal cream for private parts I’ve used.


  • Suitable for both men and women
  • Contains natural extracts
  • No irritation


  • Slightly pricier than some competitors

4. Neomen Hair Removal Cream

Rating: 4.6/5

Review: Neomen Hair Removal Cream is a standout product for sensitive areas. It effectively removed hair from my bikini line without any discomfort. The inclusion of aloe vera and vitamin E made my skin feel soft and hydrated after use. The cream has a mild scent, which is a plus. I did a patch test first and had no adverse reactions, so I felt confident using it on larger areas. It’s also reasonably priced, making it a great value for money.


  • Gentle and effective
  • Aloe vera and vitamin E
  • Mild scent


  • Requires a patch test for safety

5. AOBBIY Hair Removal Cream

Rating: 4.4/5

Review: AOBBIY Hair Removal Cream is effective for all skin types, including sensitive skin. I used it on my private parts, and it worked very well, removing hair without any pain or irritation. The cream is easy to apply and has a smooth texture. The instructions were clear, and I appreciated the inclusion of a spatula for easy removal. My skin felt moisturized and smooth afterward. However, the scent is quite strong, which might be off-putting for some users.


  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Moisturizes and smooths skin
  • Includes a spatula


  • Strong scent

6. Avashine Hair Removal Cream

Rating: 4.7/5

Review: Avashine Hair Removal Cream is a fast-acting and effective solution for removing hair from private parts. I loved how quickly it worked, and the results were impressive. The cream contains nourishing ingredients like aloe vera and baby oil, which left my skin feeling soft and hydrated. There was no irritation, even on my sensitive skin. The only minor issue is that the cream can be a bit thick, making it slightly challenging to spread evenly.


  • Fast-acting
  • Nourishing ingredients
  • No irritation


  • Thick consistency

7. Vanicream Hair Removal Cream

Rating: 4.3/5

Review: Vanicream Hair Removal Cream is specifically formulated for sensitive skin, and it lives up to its promise. I used it on my bikini line, and it removed hair effectively without causing any irritation or redness. The cream is free from common irritants like dyes and fragrances, which is perfect for my sensitive skin. However, it takes a bit longer to work compared to other products I’ve used. Patience is key, but the results are worth it.


  • Formulated for sensitive skin
  • Free from dyes and fragrances
  • No irritation


  • Takes longer to work

8. Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duo

Rating: 4.5/5

Review: Although primarily designed for facial hair, the Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duo is gentle enough for use on private parts. I was initially skeptical, but it worked surprisingly well. The skin guarding balm provided excellent protection against irritation, and the hair removal cream was very effective. My skin felt smooth and soft afterward. The process is a bit more involved with two steps, but the results are worth it.


  • Gentle enough for sensitive areas
  • Includes skin guarding balm
  • Effective hair removal


  • Two-step process

9. Sally Hansen Hair Remover Kit

Rating: 4.2/5

Review: The Sally Hansen Hair Remover Kit is known for its effectiveness. I used it on my bikini line, and it removed hair quickly and efficiently. The kit includes a lotion that soothes the skin after hair removal, which I found very helpful. There was no irritation, and my skin felt soft and smooth. However, the cream has a strong scent, which might be a drawback for some users. Despite this, it’s a reliable product.


  • Effective hair removal
  • Includes soothing lotion
  • No irritation


  • Strong scent

10. Vassoul Hair Removal Cream

Rating: 4.4/5

Review: Vassoul Hair Removal Cream is a gentle yet effective product for private parts. I was pleased with how well it removed hair without causing any discomfort. The cream is easy to apply and has a pleasant texture. It left my skin feeling moisturized and smooth. The only downside is that it took a bit longer than expected to work, but the results were satisfactory. It’s a great option for those with sensitive skin.


  • Gentle on sensitive skin
  • Moisturizes and smooths skin
  • Pleasant texture


  • Takes longer to work

Advantages of Hair Removal Creams

Like the other techniques used to remove hair, Hair Removal Creams have many advantages. Among the strengths of this type of product we can identify:

The convenience of use: it is an extremely simple product to use and does not require any particular manual skills, even when it is used personally. The important thing is to apply it uniformly in the area to be treated. You need to ensure that there are no exposed portions to avoid risking an unequal result. Among other things, the whole operation is also quite fast, taking into account that you will have to let the product act up to a maximum of 10 minutes.

Tolerance: Compared to methods such as waxing or electric hair removal, which act by tearing the hair bulb and can be quite aggressive on the skin and capillaries, hair removal with depilatory cream is almost painless. Also, unlike razors, this product does not present the risk of injury or cuts.

Effect on the hair: Like the electric razor or the blade, the hair removal cream is limited to removing the upper part of the hair, the stem, leaving the hair bulb intact. There is, however, a fundamental difference with the razor, which many prefer to avoid since it tends to cause rapid, hairy and quite annoying growth. In fact, due to its chemical nature, the hair removal cream weakens the hairs, which become softer and thinner. In addition, the results are more durable.

Effect on the skin: When removing it with a sponge at the end of the treatment, it exfoliates the skin, eliminating the dead cells that have accumulated on the skin. As a result, the best hair removal cream for private parts not only allows to obtain smoother and cleaner skin but also to counteract the appearance of ingrown hairs. Generally, it is due to the accumulation of residues that clog the pores.

hair removal cream

Affordable: Compared to most hair removal treatments, hair removal creams are generally available at a very affordable cost.

Formula and Ingredients

Analyzing the different creams available in the market, the first difference that arises is that of the formula. If they all act in practically the same way, in fact, their consistency can vary according to three main formulations:

Cream: it is the most traditional formula and consists of a very dense and full-bodied cream, which can be spread on the skin with the help of a spatula.

Gel: This formula is less common and is typical of those designed for male skin. Its texture is lighter and smoother. However, it tends to dry the skin, so gel creams are not recommended in case of dry or sensitive skin.

Spray: This is one of the latest formulas designed to further facilitate the hair removal process. This type, in fact, can be sprayed as a spray on the areas to be treated, on which it is deposited in the form of dense foam. This facilitates, even more, the application of the product and allows to reach the most difficult areas of the body.

The formula, in addition, can be enriched with special ingredients, which are added with a precise purpose. Among the main ones we have identified, we would like to highlight:

Nutrients: As already mentioned, hair removal creams are chemical compounds that, especially in the case of sensitive skins, can be somewhat aggressive on the epidermis. For this reason, many products are enriched with nutrients and emollients.They are designed to eliminate hair but at the same time moisturize and protect the skin from chemical products. Among the most popular are, for example, Aloe Vera, vitamin E, lotus milk, argan oil, etc.

Fragrances: some hair removal creams contain several types of fragrances to counteract the unpleasant odor of chemical agents. However, it must be taken into account that the presence of perfumes (especially alcohol-based) can be slightly irritating to the skin.Especially, when it comes to removing hair from delicate and sensitive areas such as the face, groin, and armpits.

Ingredients/hydrophobic formulas: some of the most innovative creams are distinguished by their hydrophobic composition, which allows them to act effectively in the shower if you want to optimize your time of body care.

How to Use Best Hair Removal Cream for Private Parts

Using best hair removal cream for private parts requires careful attention to avoid irritation. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Patch Test: Always perform a patch test on a small area of skin to check for any adverse reactions. Wait 24 hours to ensure there is no irritation.
  2. Preparation: Cleanse the area thoroughly with mild soap and water. Pat dry with a soft towel.
  3. Application: Apply the cream evenly over the area you want to treat, avoiding contact with mucous membranes. Follow the instructions on the packaging regarding the amount of time to leave the cream on.
  4. Removal: Use a spatula or damp cloth to gently remove the cream and dissolved hair. Rinse the area thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  5. Aftercare: Apply a soothing lotion or aloe vera gel to calm the skin. Avoid using any products with alcohol or strong fragrances immediately after treatment.

Benefits of Using Hair Removal Creams

  • Painless: Unlike waxing, hair removal creams provide a painless way to remove hair.
  • Quick and Easy: The process is fast and can be done in the comfort of your own home.
  • Smooth Results: Hair removal creams can leave the skin smoother than shaving, with no risk of cuts or razor burn.
  • Cost-Effective: These creams are generally affordable and provide multiple uses per package.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

While hair removal creams are generally safe, they can cause side effects in some individuals, especially if not used correctly. Common side effects include:

  • Skin Irritation: Redness, itching, or burning can occur, particularly if the cream is left on for too long or used on broken skin.
  • Allergic Reactions: Some people may experience allergic reactions to certain ingredients. Always perform a patch test before full application.
  • Chemical Burns: In rare cases, leaving the cream on for too long can cause chemical burns. Follow the instructions carefully to avoid this.

Alternatives to Hair Removal Creams

Hair removal creams are a popular choice for those seeking a painless and easy way to remove unwanted hair. However, they are not the only method available. Depending on your preferences, skin type, and the area of the body you want to treat, you might find that one of these alternatives suits you better. Here’s a comprehensive look at the different methods available:

If you find that hair removal creams are not suitable for you, there are other methods to consider:

1. Shaving


  • Quick and Easy: Shaving is one of the fastest ways to remove hair.
  • Cost-Effective: Razors and shaving creams are relatively inexpensive.
  • Pain-Free: Generally, shaving is painless if done correctly.


  • Temporary Results: Hair grows back quickly, often within a few days.
  • Risk of Cuts and Razor Burn: Improper technique or dull blades can cause cuts, nicks, and razor burn.
  • Ingrown Hairs: Shaving can lead to ingrown hairs, which can be painful and unsightly.

2. Waxing


  • Long-Lasting Results: Hair removal can last from three to six weeks.
  • Finer Regrowth: Over time, hair regrowth tends to be finer and sparser.
  • Smooth Skin: Waxing removes hair from the root, leaving skin smooth.


  • Painful: Waxing can be painful, especially in sensitive areas.
  • Cost: Professional waxing can be expensive, and at-home kits can be messy and challenging to use.
  • Potential for Irritation: Waxing can cause redness, irritation, and ingrown hairs.

3. Laser Hair Removal


  • Long-Term Reduction: Laser hair removal can lead to permanent hair reduction after multiple sessions.
  • Precision: Lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.
  • Speed: Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs simultaneously.


  • Costly: Laser hair removal is expensive and requires multiple sessions.
  • Professional Treatment: It typically needs to be performed by a trained professional.
  • Not Suitable for All Skin Types: It works best on people with light skin and dark hair.

4. Epilation


  • Long-Lasting Results: Epilators remove hair from the root, so results can last up to four weeks.
  • Finer Regrowth: Hair often grows back finer and softer.
  • Cost-Effective: Once you purchase an epilator, there are no additional costs.


  • Painful: Epilation can be painful, especially for first-time users.
  • Time-Consuming: It can take longer than other methods, especially for larger areas.
  • Potential for Ingrown Hairs: Similar to waxing, epilation can lead to ingrown hairs.

5. Sugaring


  • Natural Ingredients: Sugaring paste is made from natural ingredients like sugar, lemon, and water, making it suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Less Painful: Many people find sugaring less painful than waxing.
  • Exfoliation: Sugaring also acts as a gentle exfoliant.


  • Availability: Professional sugaring services might not be available everywhere.
  • Messy: DIY sugaring can be messy and challenging to get right.
  • Cost: Professional treatments can be costly.

6. Threading


  • Precision: Threading is very precise, making it ideal for eyebrows and facial hair.
  • No Chemicals: It’s an all-natural method with no chemicals involved.
  • Long-Lasting: Results can last up to six weeks.


  • Painful: Threading can be quite painful, particularly for first-time users.
  • Skill-Dependent: Requires a skilled technician to perform effectively.
  • Not Suitable for Large Areas: Best for smaller areas like the face and eyebrows.

7. Electrolysis


  • Permanent Hair Removal: Electrolysis can permanently remove hair after multiple sessions.
  • Suitable for All Skin and Hair Types: Unlike laser hair removal, electrolysis works on any skin and hair color.
  • Precision: Each hair follicle is treated individually.


  • Time-Consuming: Each session can be long, and multiple sessions are required.
  • Expensive: Electrolysis can be costly due to the number of sessions needed.
  • Discomfort: Some discomfort or pain is involved in the process.

8. Prescription Creams


  • Reduced Hair Growth: Prescription creams like eflornithine (Vaniqa) can reduce the rate of hair growth.
  • Easy to Use: Simply applied to the skin like a lotion.


  • Slow Results: It may take several weeks to see results.
  • Requires Prescription: Needs a prescription from a healthcare provider.
  • Cost: Can be expensive and might not be covered by insurance.

Tips for Choosing the Best Hair Removal Cream for Private Parts

  1. Read Reviews: Check online reviews and ratings to see what other users have experienced.
  2. Check Ingredients: Look for creams with natural, soothing ingredients and avoid those with harsh chemicals.
  3. Consider Your Skin Type: If you have sensitive skin, choose a product specifically formulated for sensitive areas.
  4. Brand Reputation: Opt for well-known brands that are trusted and have a good track record.


Can hair removal cream be used on private parts?
Hair removal creams are designed to be used on any body parts. But some of the creams are specially designed for private parts; it’s good if you can use it. It’s very important to read the packaging information to make sure it says “For sensitive skin”. Sometime hair removal cream can cause chemical burns. You may check 10 best hair removal creams in this page.
Is hair removal cream better than waxing?
Hair removal creams are softer and smoother than waxing. Waxing is painful and hair removal cream is painless to apply.
Can I use Veet to remove my pubic hair?
Yes, Veet hair removal cream can be use for private parts and public area. Important things to remember do not use any hair removal cream if there are any breakouts or cuts in the region.


Choosing the best hair removal cream for private parts can make a significant difference in your grooming routine. By selecting a product that is gentle, effective, and suitable for your skin type, you can achieve smooth, hair-free skin with minimal effort and discomfort. Remember to always follow the instructions and take necessary precautions to avoid irritation or side effects. With the right hair removal cream, you can enjoy the confidence and comfort of smooth skin in your most sensitive areas.

In this article, we have reviewed some of the best creams available in the market. Some of them are made for women and others for men. We have also creams that are made for both men and women. Therefore, this is a comprehensive guide about the best hair removal creams for private parts. We recommend choosing the one that best suits your needs. Best of Luck!