Best prenatal vitamins organic in 2024

on   January 3, 2020

Best prenatal vitamins organic

If you are looking for a pregnancy or just got it, you will know that your body is about to go through changes and processes of high nutritional requirements. This is why doctors and gynecologists, based on many studies, advice taking prenatal vitamins and supplements before and during pregnancy. The question is: How to choose best prenatal vitamins organic that cover all the nutritional needs of future moms?

Quick look of the best prenatal vitamins organic in 2024:

Is it necessary to take prenatal vitamins?

Just as a car does not walk if it does not have gasoline, your body does not function properly if it has nutritional deficiencies. If you are thinking of being a mother, the novelty is that these daily amounts increase. Think that you are preparing your body to create a new life from scratch.

For this reason, to achieve a pregnancy in which both the baby and the mother are healthy, it is necessary to supplement your diet with a good nutritional supplement that contains exactly what you need in this phase. Remember that neither prenatal vitamins nor dietary supplements of any kind can supply a balanced diet. They are helping so you don’t miss anything, yes, but for them to work, you need to take care of yourself and take care of your diet.

If you have come here, you are probably really interested in finding the most complete vitamins to prepare your body and have a healthy pregnancy. Naturally, during the preconception and pregnancy phases, your body will have specific nutritional needs, adapted to the changes that are occurring in your body.

Although for you and your baby to be healthy, a wide combination of vitamins and nutrients is necessary, there are two that become more important in this phase: folic acid and iron. Folic acid is essential for the development of the neural tube, which is the structure present in the embryo that will become the spinal cord and the baby’s brain. This is why we believe that there is nothing more important.

Fun fact: the neural tubes formed from the first month after conception, when it is common for women to discover that they are pregnant. This is why it is so important to start taking folic acid before having pregnancy confirmation, as soon as you start looking for it.

In addition, you should keep in mind that the body of some people is not able to correctly make the process of absorption of folic acid. This is why they always have a lack of this vitamin. Luckily, some food supplements provide the active form of folic acid, called folate, which allows its direct absorption without the need for transformation.

What about iron?

What happens with iron is that during pregnancy the need for this mineral is greatly increased. Your body asks for more iron than ever. It is essential to ensure that the mother has enough iron for her and for the baby that grows inside, since this helps transport oxygen and facilitates the process of cell division.

Remember that if your iron intake is not enough, you may develop anemia. It seems easy, right? The bad thing is that taking iron usually causes quite annoying side effects such as a bad taste in the mouth (metal), as well as constipation. To avoid this, you have to take micro-encapsulated iron, which eliminates these discomforts thanks to its advanced composition.

Is it enough to take iron and folic acid?

If you are going to be a mom, the first thing is that you learn to take care of yourself: eat a balanced diet, exercise every day and say goodbye to harmful habits such as tobacco and alcohol. In addition to leading a healthy life and supplementing your intake of folic acid and iron, there are other nutrients that are very important for a healthy pregnancy.

Omega 3: Many studies indicate that Omega-3 fatty acids, especially known as DHA Omega-3, have a very important role in the development of your baby’s nervous system, retina, and brain. It is important to supplement the contribution of omega 3, especially if you are not a big fan of fish.

Iodine: Don’t miss it! You also need iodine to ensure the correct development of the baby’s brain and nervous system.

Zinc: Having zinc levels ready is considered important for fertility and for a healthy delivery.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is essential for you to feel good, and it also helps you to properly absorb the iron you need.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps the fetus grow and also absorb calcium to keep your bones healthy.

Other recommendations to know how to choose best prenatal vitamins

Try to choose supplements in the form of a soft capsule. It is very common to suffer nausea in the first weeks of pregnancy, so it may be more difficult and uncomfortable to swallow a conventional pill.

Choose supplements that give you easily absorbed vitamins. Otherwise, your body may not retain the nutrients you are taking anyway.

Vitamin A: Numerous studies show that during preconception and the first trimester of pregnancy, its supplementation is not recommended, because vitamin A in large quantities can be harmful to your baby. It is an important nutrient, but it is recommended to obtain it from food (eggs, orange and yellow fruits, and green leafy vegetables) and not from an extra contribution to food supplements.

Advantages of best prenatal vitamins organic

It is very common that, the obstetrician recommends to the pregnant woman to take prenatal vitamins throughout the pregnancy, before the same and even a few weeks after having given birth. It is a very important supplement for different reasons. Know what prenatal vitamins are when they are taken and what the right way to do it is.

Prenatal vitamins are a series of supplements that pregnant women take, by medical recommendation, to ensure that, throughout pregnancy, the baby receives all the necessary nutrients for proper development.

When the pregnant woman’s diet is healthy and balanced, most of the vitamins and minerals need will be covered. However, in the last decades, the supplement of folic acid and iodine is especially recommended, since it is difficult to absorb and is proven to reduce the risk of premature delivery, low birth weight, or birth defects in the brain and spine.

The prenatal vitamins, however, are not a substitute for a healthy diet. You should eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, non-fatty dairy products, legumes, lean meats, and fish.

It is important to take a vitamin supplement every day. These are vitamins that are sold in capsules or tablets and, normally it is recommended in the morning with an orange juice to favor its absorption, but if you have observed that your stomach does not tolerate it well, try to take them during the meal.

Do not consume vitamins that your midwife or gynecologist has not recommended, not all vitamins can be taken by pregnant women, it can be dangerous. They do not usually have large side effects, however, some may cause certain discomforts such as constipation or diarrhea or nausea. If you notice that you are not feeling very well, do not suspend the treatment on your own and discuss the indifference with your gynecologist so that the doctor can prescribe another type of supplement.

Women who are looking for pregnancy so that the reserve of folic acid and iodine before pregnancy is adequate. Pregnant women should take a vitamin complex containing at least 400 micro-grams of Folic Acid daily to help prevent certain birth defects in the baby. Iodine is essential for the correct development of all tissues.

Folic Acid is one of the nutrients included in most prenatal vitamins, which helps prevent spinal cord and baby brain defects. It can also protect pregnant against cancer and strokes. Pregnant women should get 600 micro-grams of folic acid daily between food and prenatal vitamins.

Iron is another important nutrient for pregnant women and is also found in prenatal vitamins. It is essential to increase the production of red blood cells by the body. It helps the development of muscles in the mother and the formation of the baby. It prevents anemia and can reduce the risk of premature delivery and low birth weight. Legumes, raisins, plums, and liver can be found in cereals.

Calcium strengthens bones and teeth in the mother and baby and keeps the nervous, muscular and blood systems healthy. It is found in milk, cheese, yogurt and legumes, although in smaller quantities. Vitamin E is good for the mother’s muscle tone and for the formation of all tissues. It is found in the germ of wheat, whole wheat, leafy vegetables, meat, and eggs.

Vitamin A promotes the development of the skin and mucous membranes of the baby. It should be taken with vitamins C and B for proper absorption. This vitamin is found in eggs, milk and carrots. Vitamin B (B2, B6 and B12) are good for the functioning of tissues and for the development of cells. The mother’s nausea decreases and body swelling decreases. Vegetables, milk, cereals, and eggs are rich in this type of vitamins.

Vitamin C is good for mothers with Rh factor problems. It works in the body as a natural antioxidant and helps prevent infections while helping to absorb iron. It is found in citrus fruits, green pepper, parsley, tomatoes, and raw green cabbage. Vitamin D allows the formation of tooth enamel and bone mineralization. It is found mostly in eggs, milk, and liver.

Magnesium is also found in prenatal vitamins as it is common for the level of magnesium in pregnant women to decrease, causing annoying leg cramps. Eating cereals, fish, soy, milk, and meat helps maintain an adequate level of magnesium in the body.

On the other hand, during pregnancy, it is important that you do not suffer a deficit of any essential vitamin for the body. If your diet does not provide enough vitamins and minerals, you should take a complex of prenatal vitamins. Vitamin deficiency can increase the tendency to irritability and exhaustion and increase the risk of vaginal infections.

Following are the best prenatal vitamins organic in 2021:

1. Garden of Life Vitamin Code RAW Prenatal Multivitamin

Garden of Life best prenatal vitamins organic

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Vitamin B9 is also known as folate, which is essential for women. The nutrient is also important for the health of the baby. Folate is capable of preventing defects in neural tubes during the process of fetus development. This is why many physicians recommend this supplement to their patients.

If you are in search of the best prenatal vitamin, which includes folate – one of the best options is the “Garden of Life Prenatal Multivitamin.” This contains ninety vitamins per bottle. Along with different nutrients, this supplement contains two-hundred percent of folate needs on a daily basis when you take three tablets per day.

Garden of Life Prenatal Multivitamin contains different vitamins such as A, C, D, and E. It also contains biotin, iron, manganese, and more. In addition, this supplement is formulated with ginger, probiotics, and zinc for digestive support. This means that your stomach won’t be upset. The supplement is gluten and dairy-free as well as vegetarian-friendly.

2. Nature Made Prenatal Multivitamins & DHA

Nature Made Prenatal Multivitamins & DHA

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DHA is an essential omega-3 fatty acid, which is essential during pregnancy. Nature Made Prenatal supplement plays an important role in your baby’s eyes and brain. This is why a lot of mothers choose to take this supplement while pregnant. You can take this supplement on its own. However, many women prefer these multivitamins, which include essential omega-3.

When it comes to prenatal vitamins, this supplement is one of the best prenatal vitamins organic, which contains ninety capsules in each bottle. The daily dose of these multivitamins contains200-mg of DHA – which is the intake during pregnancy on a daily basis. When you take these pills, you will get your daily dose of essential vitamin C and D along with biotin, folic acid, magnesium, and more.

3. New Chapter Perfect Prenatal Vitamins

New Chapter Perfect Prenatal Vitamins

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Iron is an important nutrient for growing your baby. It supports fetal development and growth as well as helps prevent anemia. There are some prenatal vitamins, which exclude iron since it can lead to constipation. However, if you are in need of iron, you need one of the best prenatal vitamins organic – i.e. “New Chapter Perfect.” This supplement contains 100% of your recommended iron intake as well as are formulated that does not cause non-constipating.

When it comes to prenatal vitamins, you will get forty-eight vitamins in each bottle. You need to take only three tablets per day. The multivitamins can provide a good amount of essential nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C, D, and E along with biotin, calcium, folic acid, zinc, and magnesium, etc. These vitamins also contain a lot of prebiotics to help digestion. Keep in mind that this prebiotics may cause an upset stomach in some women.

4. First Response Prenatal Gummy Vitamins

First Response Prenatal Gummy Vitamins

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If you are not looking for pills, you can get the prenatal vitamins in the form of gummies and one of the best prenatal vitamins organic is “First Response Gummy Vitamins.” There are ninety gummies in the bottle – and they have a fresh orange flavor. So much so, this supplement also contains minerals and vitamins, which are helpful for keeping the mother and child health.

You can also take this supplement after giving birth. This will give you continued nourishment. When it comes to nutrients, each serving of these gummies contains different vitamins such as A, B, C, D, and E along with DHA, zinc, calcium, and folic acid. The gummies likewise do not contain iron – making them quite gentle on your stomach. At the same time, it is important to know that you may need en extra supplement if you think you are not getting enough iron.

5. Garden of Life myKind Organics Prenatal Multivitamin

myKind Organics Prenatal Multivitamin

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Do you want organic ingredients? Well, there is no better product than the “Garden of Life” Prenatal Multivitamin, which is one of the best prenatal vitamins organic because it is certified as an organic product by the USDA. In jars of 180, these prenatal vitamins are formulated from whole food that is organic – and are specifically designed for you to take before, or during, or after pregnancy – or whenever you need them.

There are three tablets recommended by experts – and this is the standard serving size. Each contains 21 essential elements and nutrients like Vitamin A, B, C, D, and E. The best thing about this Prenatal Multivitamin is that it contains biotin, folate, iron, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. This supplement one of the best prenatal vitamins organic is that this is made with non-GMO ingredients and is certified organic.

6. Mama Bird AM PM Prenatal Multivitamin

Mama Bird AM PM Prenatal Multivitamin

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Mama Bird AM PM Prenatal Multivitamin comes with 60 supplements per bottle and it’s one of the best top rated vegan friendly supplements for postnatal or pregnant mother. If you follow a vegan diet then it can be the best option for you.

This multivitamin is designed to be taken two times a day, once at night and once in the morning. This prenatal multivitamin is unique and it contains methylated vitamins. The unique vegan formula of digestive enzymes, probiotics, and an organic blend herbal helps you to ease morning sickness.

Mama multivitamin is formulated by a board certified expert that can help to nourish you and your cute baby for optimal health.

7. SmartyPants Prenatal Multivitamin, Gluten Free

Best prenatal vitamins organic

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The most important ingredients of prenatal vitamins are folic acid that comes in naturally from foods. Which can helps to prevent neural tube defects. Generally it is recommended for all women get 400mgs of folic acid everyday and especially for women who are pregnant and planning to get 400-800mgs per day. The SmartyPants prenatal can provide you 800mgs of folic acid per serving. Also in additional you will get other important ingredients, Omega-3, vitamins D3, iodine and B12.

SmartyPants are gluten free and there is no artificial color uses and the taste are great. You have to take it 6 times a day, which is quite a few, but most of the women don’t mind taking it because its taste is good.

8. One A Day Women’s Prenatal Multivitamin

One A Day Women's Prenatal Multivitamin

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One A Day is a complete prenatal multivitamin. The amazing thing is that it works great for your hair. Most of the women report shinier, thicker, longer hair as a result, and most women take them even they have no motive of getting pregnant just for the hair perks alone. One a Day is a favorite option for their effectiveness and affordability.

It provides 100% of the daily value of folic acid that is gluten free and included DHA, calcium, and Iron. Women say the gel tabs are very much easier to swallow then other alternatives and the taste is good. Most of the women say that they don’t have any experience about negative side effects after taking them. Women love the simplicity of taking the gel tabs one a day instead of multiple.

9. Nordic Naturals – Prenatal DHA

Nordic Naturals - Prenatal DHA

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Nordic Naturals prenatal is a good supplement for you if you are looking to up your DHA during pregnancy. You will get 480mg of DHA per serving that recommended for baby’s brain development. It’s added 400 I.U. D3 vitamins, this natural vitamin D produced by the body, for mood support during pregnancy and strong bones.

It’s free of environmental toxins which are certified by NSF International. Keep in mind, this is not a prenatal multivitamin, it is a DHA supplement. It contains 400 I.U. vitamin D3 in addition DHA. This supplement is for them who are looking for folic acid, iron or other minerals and vitamins.

10. MegaFood, Baby & Me, Prenatal and Postnatal Multivitamin

MegaFood, Baby & Me, Prenatal and Postnatal Multivitamin

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You might think this is a bit pricey but there are specific reasons. This MegaFood brand supplements meet safety standards and high quality which is approved by NSW International. “Baby & Me” are naturally derived from foods that make it easy for the body to actually use.

You have to take 4 tablets per day and you can take them any time of day, even on empty stomach. Made without GMOs, free of gluten, certified B Corp, dairy, soy, tested for 125 plus pesticides and herbicides, certified glyphosate residue free and certified kosher.

Keep in mind, Baby & Me contains 18mg of iron per day but you need 30mg per day when you are pregnant. So you have to take extra iron, calcium and rich foods.

Best prenatal vitamins organic – FAQs

Are these products safe to use?
Yes, all of them are certified by the FDA and USDA. You can use these products and we are sure there will be no problems because they are made with non-GMO.
What do these products do to my body?
These are essential supplements, which contain daily minerals and vitamins you need during the pregnancy. The best way to use them is before pregnancy. Folic acid is one of the most essential vitamins to take when you are planning a pregnancy. All these supplements (mentioned in this article) contain folic acid.
Is it OK to take prenatal vitamins if I am not pregnant?
If you have not planned for pregnancy, we recommend you not to use these vitamins because they overload of nutrients can actually harm your body.
What needs to be in a prenatal vitamin?
They contain essential elements and vitamins such as iron, folic acid, iodine, calcium, etc.


Prenatal vitamins are necessary for the growth of the child and the health of the mother. There are hundreds of products available online that contain essential minerals. Although you can buy any of them, the biggest concern is the manufacturing procedure of prenatal multivitamins. So, it is vital to choose a product that best fits your needs. Lastly, choosing any of these products will help you fulfill your nutritional needs. Good Luck!

Best prenatal vitamins organic
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